
After Saddam: 10 Unanswered Questions - By Christopher Titmuss.

  1. More than 5,000,000 live in Baghdad. Why were there only hundreds on the streets to welcome the occupying US army in the city centre?

  2. What do you to say to a grieving mother whose children have been riddled with shrapnel or lost their limbs due to bombing?

  3. Thousands of deadly small bomblets from cluster bombs now litter Iraq. Plutonium tipped weapons were use throughout the country? Did the armies really care about civilians or about public opinion?

  4. Has one nightmare for the Iraqis finished and a new one started?

  5. Where are all these weapons of mass destruction that the US/UK went to war over?

  6. The British government spent £3 billion to make war on Iraq. Why does the government offer only a miserable £250 million to rebuild what it destroyed? That’s about 8% of the war chest.

  7. One dictator goes in Iraq. Is George Bush the new Iraqi dictator and Tony Blair his deputy?

  8. The Israeli government still sanctions state terrorism through its army in occupied Palestine. Why do the White House and the UK government continue to remain silent?

  9. Have we forgotten that greatest army on earth conducted an illegal war on a country impoverished by a despot and crippled by more than a decade of harsh sanctions?

  10. Afghanistan, Iraq – which Arab country will the White House target next? Syria? Iran?